Nikol Fischerová & Metanoia concert

Dear visitors, it is our pleasure to invite you to The Nikol Fischerová & Metanoia concert in The Gardens below Prague Castle.

On date 21.8.2024 in 18.00 hours there will be performing a concert of  Nikol Fischerová & Metanoia in unique baroque gardens .



Nikol Fischerová - kytara, zpěv

HeléN RockHousle - housle

Hana Gasseldorferová - cajon

Petr Kumandžas - baskytara



Online ticketse-ticket

We recommend to buy a ticket to the Gardens at the desk due to the possibility of Gardens closure in case of bad weather.

We kindly ask our visitors to follow all valid restrictions and safety instructions  and to keep themselves in the parts of the Gardens which are open to public only.