Rentals Price List

Following you will find current wedding, commercial and events rentals price lists and other fees.

Wedding rentals


Time of rental / Space


1 hour

14,500 CZK 

2 hours

24,000 CZK

each commenced hour

+7,500 CZK

Prices include VAT. VAT will be charged based on the applicable rate on the day of the taxable transaction.

  • Wedding photoshooting outside the designated areas will be charged according to the valid price list. See "Other services" chart.
  • The rental prices includes 1 hour for preparation before the event and 1 hour for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities, parking for a maximum of 3 vehicles on-site, and energy consumption
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guests. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee payable before the event according to the "Chairs' Price List" table below.
  • The rental period is negotiated in accordance with the opening hours of the facility.
  • In the case of a rental period of more than 10 hours, i.e. outside the opening hours of the facility, an amount equal to the hourly rate for the 1st hour of rental of the space in question will be charged for each hour started.
  • The rental period outside opening hours can only be arranged under specific conditions determined by the contractual relationship and with regard to objects adjacent to the rental space.

Areas designated for weddings "A":

  • The gallery of Ledebour palace, the second lower terrace of the Great Palffy garden, The Kolowrat garden Gloriet, the upper terrace of the Kolowrat garden by the turret.
  • Other areas according to the specific conditions set by an agreement



Time of rental / Space


1 hour

19,000 CZK

2 hours

29,000 CZK

each commenced hour

7,500 CZK

Prices include VAT. VAT will be charged based on the applicable rate on the day of the taxable transaction.

  • Wedding photoshooting outside the designated areas will be charged according to the valid price list. See "Other services" chart.
  • The rental prices includes 1 hour for preparation before the event and 1 hour for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities, parking for a maximum of 3 vehicles on-site, and energy consumption
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guests. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee payable before the event according to the "Chairs' Price List" table below.
  • The rental period is negotiated in accordance with the opening hours of the facility.
  • In the case of a rental period of more than 10 hours, i.e. outside the opening hours of the facility, an amount equal to the hourly rate for the 1st hour of rental of the space in question will be charged for each hour started.
  • The rental period outside opening hours can only be arranged under specific conditions determined by the contractual relationship and with regard to objects adjacent to the rental space

Areas designated for weddings "B":

  • The Ledebour parterre with Salla Terena, alternatively, in case of bad weather, the gallery of the Ledebour palace.
  • Other areas according to the specific conditions set by an agreement
  • In the case of renting the premises of the Ledebour parterre and any of the premises from the category Wedding "A", an additional fee of CZK 5,000 is charged for each commenced hour


Number of rented terraces

Price for the first hour

Price for each additional commenced hour

1 terrace

4,800 CZK

3,600 CZK

2-3 terraces

7,300 CZK

3,600 CZK

4-5 terraces

9,700 CZK

3,600 CZK

  • The hourly rate is calculated from each commenced hour.
  • The rental prices includes 1 hour for preparation before the event and 2 hours for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant.
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities.
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guest. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee according to the price list.
  • The maximum rental duration is determined by the operating hours of the facility.



Price for the first hour

Price for each additional commenced hour

Ledebour parterre

25,400 CZK

25,400 CZK

  • The hourly rate is calculated from each commenced hour.
  • The rental prices includes 2 hours for preparation before the event and 2 hours for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant.
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities, parking for a maximum of 3 vehicles on-site, and energy consumption
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guest. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee according to the price list.
  • The maximum rental duration is determined by the operating hours of the facility.



Price for the first hour

Price for each additional commenced hour

The Ledebour parterre including the Ledebour garden terraces

42, 400 CZK

37,500 CZK

The complex of the Great Palffy garden terraces

42,400 CZK

37,500 CZK

  • The hourly rate is calculated from each commenced hour.
  • The rental prices includes 3 hour for preparation before the event and 4 hours for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant.
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities, parking for a maximum of 3 vehicles on-site, and energy consumption
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guest. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee according to the price list.
  • The maximum rental duration is determined by the operating hours of the facility.


Price for the first hour

Price for 2 hours

Price for each additional commenced hour

Ledebour Palace Gallery

17,500 CZK

29,000 CZK

9,000 CZK

  • The hourly rate is calculated from each commenced hour.
  • The rental prices includes 1 hour for preparation before the event and 2 hours for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant.
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities, parking for a maximum of 3 vehicles on-site, and energy consumption
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guest. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee according to the price list.
  • The maximum rental duration is determined by the operating hours of the facility.



Price for the first hour

Price for 2 hours

Price for each additional commenced hour

2nd Terrace of the Great Palffy Garden

20,000 CZK

31,500 CZK

9,000 CZK

  • The hourly rate is calculated from each commenced hour.
  • The rental prices includes 1 hour for preparation before the event and 2 hours for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant.
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities, parking for a maximum of 3 vehicles on-site, and energy consumption
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guest. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee according to the price list.
  • The maximum rental duration is determined by the operating hours of the facility.



Price for the first hour

Price for 2 hours

Price for each additional commenced hour

The whole complex of Gardens below Prague Castle

70,200 CZK

124,600 CZK

44,800 CZK

  • The hourly rate is calculated from each commenced hour.
  • The rental prices includes 4 hours for preparation before the event and 5 hours for cleanup after the event, which are provided and paid for by the tenant.
  • The rental also includes access to restroom facilities, parking for a maximum of 3 vehicles on-site, and energy consumption
  • The rental price includes the option to place a maximum of 20 chairs for guest. Additional chairs beyond the area's capacity can be rented for a fee according to the price list.
  • The maximum rental duration is determined by the operating hours of the facility.

Chairs's price list

Number of chairs

Total Price for Capacity Increase

Rental of chairs up to 20 Pieces

Included in the rental price

Rental of chairs up to 50 Pieces

600 CZK

Rental of chairs up to 100 Pieces

1,200 CZK

Rental of chairs up to 200 pieces (only Ledebour parterre)

3,600 CZK

Other services:


Number of Persons

Rate for Group and Day


Photographer + max. 4 persons

1,800 CZK

Commercial/ professional filming - Small Crew

up to 10 persons

18,200 CZK

Commercial/ professiona filming - Larger Crew

over 10 persons

48,400 CZK

  • The price list for photography and filming does not apply to regular capturing of footage by visitors during the tour of the premises.
  • Prices do not include space rental.

Prices are stated excluding VAT. VAT will be charged based on the applicable rate on the day of taxable supply

The start and end of the rental period are agreed upon according to the opening hours of the facility. In the case of rental outside the operating hours of the facility, an amount equal to the hourly rate for the 1st hour of rental of the respective space will be charged for each commenced hour. Rental outside the opening hours of the facility can be arranged based on contractual terms respecting the use of neighboring land by other owners.


Wedding photoshooting

(outside of the rented area)

Photographer + newlyweds

1,800 CZK